Past Event

Government as Impresario: Emergent Public Goods and Public Private Partnerships 2.0

RSVP Required Open to the Public

A Berkman Luncheon Series - Tuesday, January 14, 2014 at 12:30 p.m.


Government As Impresario: Emergent Public Goods and Public Private Partnerships 2.0


Nicholas Gruen, policy economist, entrepreneur and commentator


Government as impresario: Emergent public goods and public private partnerships 2.0

with Nicholas Gruen, policy economist, entrepreneur and commentator

Berkman Luncheon Series - Tuesday, January 14, 2014 at 12:30 pm

Though we're used to thinking that public goods must be produced by governments, there's a fundamental and growing class of public goods that emerge from private interaction. A market itself is such an emergent public good, celebrated as 'order without design' by Adam Smith. So too is language. Today emergent public goods, like Twitter, Facebook and Wikipedia, burgeon on the internet ushering in a new age. But there must exist a panoply of public goods which could be brought into existence by the right kind of partnership between private and public endeavor. This talk will explore that terrain providing compelling examples whilst expounding the principles on which such partnerships should be based.

Location: Berkman Center for Internet & Society, 23 Everett St, 2nd Floor

RSVP required for those attending in person:

Event will also be webcast live at 12:30pm ET here: