Past Event

Intelligence Collection vs Privacy Protection

Harvard Faculty, Fellows, Staff, and Students

Dr. Anthony G. Oettinger, Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Mathematics, Emeritus and Professor of Information Resources Policy, Emeritus will speak on “Intelligence Collection vs Privacy Protection: Seeking balance in this and similar tugs-of-war.”


Dr. Anthony G. Oettinger, Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Mathematics, Emeritus and Professor of Information Resources Policy, Emeritus will speak on “Intelligence Collection vs Privacy Protection: Seeking balance in this and similar tugs-of-war.”

Anthony G. Oettinger is an emeritus member and former chairman of the US Director of National Intelligence's Intelligence Science Board. In 2009 he was awarded the National Intelligence Medallion and a commendation letter from President Barack Obama. Professor Oettinger was a consultant to the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (1981-90) and the National Security Council (1975-81). He founded the Harvard Program on Information Resources Policy.

This event is open to Harvard students, fellows, faculty, and staff on first come first served basis.

[Recommended prior reading]

Section V, (pp.15 - 20) in Oettinger: Whence and Whither Intelligence, Command and Control? The Certainty of Uncertainty

ABSTRACT in Oettinger: Whence and Whither Intelligence, Command and Control? The Certainty of Uncertainty


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