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Around the world, individuals, groups, and organizations are striving to make advances in technology more inclusive, safer, and fairer.

When the development and deployment of technology is grounded in the greater good of humanity, these efforts—which are often ignored in news headlines—should be acknowledged and encouraged.

We envision a future in which technology is transformative, but not at the expense of our values and social cohesion. By highlighting examples that protect our societal values, we hope to foster a broader tech culture that embraces responsibility for its inventions and actively works to secure the foundational values of society.

The Tech Spotlight recognizes projects and initiatives that demonstrate a commitment to public purpose in the areas of digital, biotech, and future of work. Through a nomination process, independent reviewers evaluate entries based on their proven ability to minimize technological harms and protect public purpose values including privacy, safety and security, transparency and accountability and inclusion.

Click here to view the 2021 Tech Spotlight Casebook.