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Affirmative Action in the US and France: The Case of Higher Education

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Affirmative Action in the US and France: The Case of Higher Education


A research fellow at CERI since 2000, Daniel Sabbagh has degrees from Universite Paris III (English, German, and Literature) and from the Institut d'etudes politiques de Paris (Comparative Politics). He holds a Ph.D. in political science (IEP, 2000). The book drawn from his dissertation, L'Egalite par le droit: les paradoxes de la discrimination positive aux Etats-Unis (Paris, Economica, collection "Etudes politiques", 2003), which stands at the crossroads of political theory, sociology of law and the history of ideas, was awarded the "Prix Francois Furet" in 2004. A Fulbright fellow, Daniel Sabbagh was also granted the Chancellerie des Universites de Paris scholarship and was a research assistant at Yale University in 1996-1997. He now teaches at the Institut d'etudes politiques de Paris and at the Universite Paris I (La Sorbonne) (introduction to political science, comparative politics, international relations, and a seminar on "Equality and Diversity in the United States")