Associated Press
Middle East & North Africa
The Middle East & North Africa (MENA) region is characterized by a complex interplay of geopolitics, security challenges, and socio-economic dynamics. We examine the multifaceted issues facing MENA, including regional conflicts, energy security, the implications of political transitions, terrorism threats, and humanitarian crises. Our interdisciplinary approach integrates insights from political science, security studies, and regional studies. By collaborating with stakeholders, policymakers, and scholars, we aim to develop strategies that promote stability, foster economic development, and advance peace in the MENA region.
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Belfer Center
Reports & Papers
Africa Insights: Dialogue, Analysis, and Research on Current African Policy Issues
by Olsen, Nils, Enitan Okediji and Grace Jones
APEfrem Lukatsky
Belfer CenterReports & Papers
The New Influencers: A Primer on the Expanding Role of Middle Powers in Africa
by Jones, Grace and Nils Olsen -
AP/Vahid SalemiReports & Papers
A War Without a Name: The Iran-Israel Relationship in Historical Perspective
2024 by Mens, Jay
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