Past Event
Director Series

Belfer Center Director's Seminar with General James Cartwright (USMC Ret.)

RSVP Required Open to the Public

The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs will host a Director's Seminar with General James Cartwright, Belfer Center Senior Fellow and former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in the Belfer Center Library (L369).



The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs will host a Director's Seminar with General James Cartwright, Belfer Center Senior Fellow and former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in the Belfer Center Library (L369).

General Cartwright is widely respected as one of the boldest and most creative thinkers of his generation of American military leaders. He was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Marine Corps in November 1971 and rose to eventually become the eighth Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Nation’s second highest ranking military officer and a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

As Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Chair of Joint Requirements Oversight Council, Co-Chair of the Defense Acquisition Board, and a member of the National Security Deputies Committee, General Cartwright consistently demonstrated a capacity to think outside the box. In his role as Commander of U.S. Strategic Command, where he was responsible for America’s strategic nuclear forces, Cartwright created first ever functional command relationships expanding STRATCOM coordination and generating integration across services and agencies.   

As a Belfer Center Senior Fellow, Cartwright will work on a cyber strategy initiative and co-chair the China Working Group with Professors Graham Allison and Lawrence Summers.

Cartwright served in uniform for four decades. His command assignments included: Commander, United States Strategic Command (2004-07); Commanding General, First Marine Aircraft Wing (2000-02) and; Deputy Commanding General, Marine Forces Atlantic (1999-2000).  He is a distinguished graduate of the Air Command and Staff College at Maxwell Air Force Base and received his Master of Arts in National Security and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island. He completed a fellowship with Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Cartwright also holds the Harold Brown Chair in Defense Policy Studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington and is an independent consultant to a number of corporations.



As space is limited for this event, RSVPs will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. Belfer Center Seminars are strictly off-the-record. By requesting to attend the seminar, you agree that you will comply with the Belfer Center's strict policy against recording or disclosing the contents of the seminar. Your access is conditioned on your compliance with these restrictions. Should you violate these rules, the Center will pursue all available legal options and you will be excluded from all future events.