Past Event
Special Series

For the Common Defense - Andy McCawley, CEO/President of New England Center for Homeless Veterans (NECHV)

Open to the Public

Tuesday's FCD session, the last of the semester, will feature a presentation on Veterans homelessness from Andy McCawley, the CEO/President of New England Center for Homeless Veterans (NECHV). Mr. McCawley is the former Commanding Officer of the aircraft carrier the USS Abraham Lincoln. The NECHV is multi-dimension service and care provider dedicated to assisting Veterans who are facing or at-risk of homelessness.


Tuesday's FCD session, the last of the semester, will feature a presentation on Veterans homelessness from Andy McCawley, the CEO/President of New England Center for Homeless Veterans (NECHV). Mr. McCawley is the former Commanding Officer of the aircraft carrier the USS Abraham Lincoln. The NECHV is multi-dimension service and care provider dedicated to assisting Veterans who are facing or at-risk of homelessness. The Center offers a broad array of programs and services that enable success, reintegration, meaningful employment and independent living.

Between 130,000 and 200,000 Veterans are homeless on any given night—representing between one fourth and one-fifth of all homeless people. Three times that many veterans are struggling with excessive rent burdens and thus at increased risk of homelessness.

Further, there is concern about the future. Women veterans and those with disabilities including post traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury are more likely to become homeless, and a higher percentage of veterans returning from the recent conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq have these characteristics.


For more information about the NECHV:

Mr. McCawley's Complete Bio: