Past Event

Defense Seminar: Finding a New Solution to Nuclear North Korea

Harvard Faculty, Fellows, Staff, and Students

Republic of Korea Colonel Kwang-Jin Kim speaks on, "Finding a New Solution to Nuclear North Korea."


Republic of Korea Colonel Kwang-Jin Kim speaks on, "Finding a New Solution to Nuclear North Korea."

Colonel Kwang-Jin Kim serves as chief of North Korea Policy Division in the Republic of Korea’s Military Joint Staff. He has a Ph.D. in Political Science and from 2012-2013 was a Fellow at Harvard’s Weatherhead Center for International Affairs.

Colonel Kim will discuss the East Asian regional security situation, focusing on North Korean nuclear status. He will draw from a presentation he will give at the upcoming "NATO Partners and US Rebalance Conference" hosted by NATO Defense College in Vancouver, Canada. According to Colonel Kim, regional actors must find a new solution to the North Korea nuclear problem. He recommends that, under America’s “rebalancing policy,” the US develop a close relationship with China and encourage American allies to improve their relations with China as well. He discusses the utility of a US nuclear umbrella and allied conventional forces in the creation of a credible deterrent against nuclear aggression.

Colonel Kim previously worked in the Ministry of National Defense US Policy division for 4 years, where he was in charge of a variety of alliance issues. He also was responsible for the US-ROK-Japan Defense Trilateral Talk consultation. He is the author of a forthcoming book on the use of force by democratic governments.

This seminar is off the record and comments cannot be published without the consent of the speaker. The seminar is open to Harvard students, fellows, faculty and ID card holders.

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