
"Deterrence and Detente, 1969-2009: What the Last 20 Years Suggest for the Next 20," a Belfer Center Lamont Lecture

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"Deterrence and Detente, 1969-2009: What the Last 20 Years Suggest for the Next 20," a Belfer Center Lamont Lecture with Professor McGeorge Bundy.


"Deterrence and Detente, 1969-2009: What the Last 20 Years Suggest for the Next 20," a Belfer Center Lamont Lecture with Professor McGeorge Bundy.

Professor McGeorge Bundy, former special assistant for National Security Affairs to Presidents Kennedy adn Johnson, delviered this year's CSIA Lamont Lecture on April 3.  Professor Bundy, who teaches history at New York University, spoke on "Deterrence and Detente, 1969-2009: What the Last 20 Years Suggest for the Next 20." He shared with the audience of faculty, students, and others, his assessment that hte superpowers' greater understanding of the nuclear problem has brought hte U.S. and USSR closer to a successful detente than at any other time in history, and his optimism that a more stable peace beteween the United States and the Soviet Union is possible.  He emphasized the need for openness to maintain stable mutual security.  Following his presentation, he answered questions fromt he audience.

The Lamont Lecture is an endowed series which, once a year, brings to CSIA a major figure ni the international security affairs for a public address.