Past Event

A Discussion on the Policies and Politics of Global Climate Change

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A Discussion on the Policies and Politics of Global Climate Change


Todd Stern is a resident fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the U.S. He is advising GMF on international economic and environmental issues, and the impact of U.S. congressional and Administration politics on these issues. He is focusing in particular on the future of international climate change negotiations, including ways to move beyond the US-EU impasse at The Hague and to address the challenge of developing country participation. Mr. Stern, who served for six and a half years in the Clinton White House, directed the President's climate change initiative from 1997 to 1999. For the last eighteen months of the Administration, he served as Counselor to Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers. He is currently an Adjunct Lecturer at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, teaching a course on congressional/executive branch relations.