
Energy and the U.S. Economy

Open to the Public

Prof. Nazli Choucri Head of the MIT Middle East Program and Director of the Global System for Sustainable Development


The Great Decisions Global Affairs Education Program will celebrate its 55th anniversary in 2009, and includes the annual Briefing Book, Great Decisions TV, discussion groups across the country and the GD Online newsletter.  Great Decisions topics are chosen by the Foreign Policy Association and cover eight critical foreign-policy issues.  The first four sessions are indicated below.

WorldBoston presents Great Decisions lectures free and open to the public.

Lectures are held once a month at the Boston Public Library, Mezzanine Conference Room, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. 

Topic: Instability in key producing regions such as the Middle East and increasing demand from developing countries are affecting the global economy. What are the potential consequences of huge wealth transfers to oil-exporting states? Are there any realistic alternative energy scenarios on the horizon?