FCD Topic: What We have Learned and the Future of the U.S. Military & Counterinsurgency Operations
For the Common Defense: Students, Fellows, and Faculty engage in open, informal discussion of military-related topics.
For the Common Defense: Students, Fellows, and Faculty engage in open, informal discussion of military-related topics.
The National Security Program and the Belfer Center are co-sponsors of a study group for American military affairs. National Security Fellows with recent experience as Battalion and Provincial Reconstruction Team Commanders in Afghanistan will discuss their perspectives on lessons learned and the future of Counterinsurgency Operations (COIN). Panelists COL Kevin Landers, Capt Larry LeGree, LTC Frank Stanco, LTC Tommy Mancino and LTC Shawn Daniel bring years of experience in Counterinsurgency Operations as commanders and staff officers, and they will share perspectives on the lessons the US Military has learned as well as operating in the Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental and Multinational (JIIM) environment in a COIN environment. The success of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan are the subject of great debate, and lessons learned will shape the future of Counterinsurgency Operations for decades to come.
For more information, contact Robert Weir: