Past Event

"The Importance of Good Friends: A Comparison of Self-Determination Processes in South Sudan and Western Sahara," a talk with Carne Ross

Open to the Public

The Importance of Good Friends: A Comparison of Self-Determination Processes in South Sudan and Western Sahara

A talk with Carne Ross  - Independent Diplomat

Friday December 3rd, 2010 @ 12 pm
Bell Hall

The talk will address the ongoing conflict in Western Sahara and Southern Sudan. It will draw on the latest events in both conflicts and negotiation processes, as well as on the experience of Independent Diplomate as a strategic advisor to both the POLISARIO and the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS).


The Importance of Good Friends: A Comparison of Self-Determination Processes in South Sudan and Western Sahara

A talk with Carne Ross  - Independent Diplomat

Friday December 3rd, 2010 @ 12 pm
Bell Hall

The talk will address the ongoing conflict in Western Sahara and Southern Sudan. It will draw on the latest events in both conflicts and negotiation processes, as well as on the experience of Independent Diplomate as a strategic advisor to both the POLISARIO and the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS).

Independent Diplomat (ID)
ID aims to resolve or prevent conflict by enabling disadvantaged and marginalized governments and political groups to engage effectively in diplomatic processes. ID is an independent organization, not connected to any government or international institution, it only helps those who support democracy, human rights and the rule of law.

For more information please visit: and


**Lunch will be served **

This event is funded by KSSG , Carr Center for Human Rights and the Belfer Center's Future of Diplomacy Project

Sponsored by the Arab Caucus, Africa Caucus, British Caucus and Human Rights PIC

In collaboration with the Belfer Center's Future of Diplomacy Project and the Carr Center for Human Rights