Past Event

India’s foreign policy in an evolving Asian balance of power

Open to the Public

R. Nicholas Burns, Moderator, Professor of the Practice of Diplomacy and International Politics, Belfer Center

Shivshankar Menon, Former Foreign Secretary of India


Shivshankar Menon was Foreign Secretary of India from 2006 to 2009. He has served as Ambassador and High Commissioner to Israel, Sri Lanka, China and Pakistan. As a career diplomat, he served in China (thrice), in Japan, and in Austria in the Embassy and the Mission to the IAEA and UN. He was also seconded to the Department of Atomic Energy in the early eighties. His professional experience was concentrated on India’s neighbours, atomic energy and disarmament, and India’s relations with the major powers. He was actively involved in the negotiation of the India-US civil nuclear initiative.

Professor Burns will moderate the event