Past Event

Iran, North Korea and the Second Nuclear Age

Open to the Public

The CIS Starr Forum


The CIS Starr Forum series continues with a discussion on the nuclear ambitions of Iran and North Korea. Among other questions, speakers will address whether Iranian and North Korean nuclear weapons arsenals are a fait accompli, and whether arsenals in those countries would lead to arms races in Asia and the Mideast and Persian Gulf. Speakers will include Professor Barry Posen, Director of the MIT Security Studies Program, and Jim Walsh, SSP Research Associate and a WMD proliferation expert who has led dialogues on nuclear issues with representatives from North Korea and leading figures in Iran. Professor Posen is the author of a March 2006 article titled "We Can Live With a Nuclear Iran." The moderator will be CIS Executive Director John Tirman, former executive director of a foundation that funds work to prevent nuclear war.