Keeping Terrorists Out of the Box: Examining Policies to Counter Seaborne Container Terrorism
Special Event February 20, 2003 on Keeping Terrorists Out of the Box Examining Policies to Counter Seaborne Container Terrorism
Special Event February 20, 2003 on Keeping Terrorists Out of the Box Examining Policies to Counter Seaborne Container Terrorism
U.S. Customs Service, Jayson P. Ahern, Assistant Commissioner, Office of Field Operations
Transportation Security Administration, Rear Admiral Richard Bennis, Associate Undersecretary for Maritime and Land Security
U.S. Coast Guard, Rear Admiral Larry Hereth, Director Port Security
U.S. State Department, Stephen M. Miller, Team Leader Maritime and Land Transport. Office of Transportation Policy, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs
Holland and Knight LLP, Brian D. Starer, Senior Partner
Panel Charter
The world is dependent upon a secure global maritime containerized cargo system (GCCS). A “security imperative” exists that requires vulnerabilities of the system to be expeditiously addressed. This security construct must permit the efficient movement of seaborne containers while employing appropriate security countermeasures to the prevailing threat or risk. Given these conditions, how can comprehensive seaborne container security best be achieved?