Belfer Center’s Defense and Intelligence Projects presents a showing of the award winning film, Breaker Morant. Based on a true story, the movie traces the actions of three Australian lieutenants who are court martialed for executing prisoners as a way of deflecting attention from war crimes committed by their superior officers.
A central issue presented in this award winning Australian film placed in the Boer War is whether soldiers in combat are to be judged by civilian rules. Directed by Bruce Beresford, the 1980 movie stars British actor Edward Woodward as Harry "Breaker" Morant. The all-Australian supporting cast features Bryan Brown, Lewis Fitz-Gerald, and Jack Thompson.
Following the 107 minute film, attendees are invited to discuss the moral and ethical choices made by characters in the story.
Harvard ID card holders are invited. Pizza and soft drinks will be served. No RSVP required. First Come first served.
The “Military Film Series,” sponsored by Belfer Center’s Defense and Intelligence Projects, examines moral and ethical dilemmas portrayed in films about war and conflict. Students are confronted with the choices made in war and asked to analyze and assess these choices.