New Forms of Wind Power and the Incentive for Out of the Box Thinking on Energy
Saul Griffithm, President and Chief Scientist, Makani Power
Saul Griffithm, President and Chief Scientist, Makani Power
Makani Power is seeking to harness high-altitude wind energy to produce energy at an unsubsidized real cost significantly below that of the least expensive coal-fired power plants, the current benchmark of the lowest cost source of power. Capturing a small fraction of the global high-altitude wind energy flux could be sufficient to supply the current energy needs of the globe.
Saul Griffith has multiple degrees in materials science and mechanical engineering and completed his Ph.D. in Programmable Assembly and Self Replicating machines at MIT. He is the co-founder of numerous companies including: Optiopia, Squid Labs, Potenco,, HowToons and Makani Power. Saul has been awarded numerous awards for invention including the National Inventors Hall of Fame, Collegiate Inventor's award, and the Lemelson-MIT Student prize. Recently, he has been named a MacArthur Fellow.
The Future of Energy lecture series is sponsored by the Harvard University Center for the Environment with generous support from Bank of America. All of the lectures are free and open to the public.