Past Event

The People Factor: Strengthening America by Investing in Public Service

Harvard Students

Harvard Kennedy School Armed Forces Club, the National Security Program, and the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs are co-sponsors of a study group for American military affairs.  Each session will be led by experienced military officers from the degree programs as well as the National Security Fellows.

For further information or 949-547-5123



Deputy Secretary of Defense for Veterans Affairs William J. Gould, discusses his book co-authored with Prof Linda Bilmes as a special event in the For the Common Defense Series.  Tuesday, October 20, 4:10pm in the Belfer Library.

The books presents startling findings and proposals for reinvigorating American public service at the federal level:

-A startling new study of 1,200 college students from across America, showing that the federal

government is turning away talent because of its poor image among students, its rigid

personnel system and its slow and cumbersome hiring process.

-Extensive new research on best HR practices from the public and private sectors and the

military. These data show that the world's best performing organizations invest heavily in their

employees and use this strategy to outperform their peers in terms of financial returns,

innovation and job creation.

-An innovative plan for investment in the federal workforce through a "Civil Service GI Bill" that would provide leadership, supervisory and managerial skills training at community colleges and universities across the country.

Harvard Kennedy School Armed Forces Club, the National Security Program, and the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs are co-sponsors of a study group for American military affairs.  Each session will be led by experienced military officers from the degree programs as well as the National Security Fellows.

For further information or 949-547-5123