Past Event
Director Series

"Planning for Post-conflict Contingencies: What to Do and What Not to Do," Kenneth Bacon

Open to the Public

The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs is proud to host a Director's Seminar entitled, "Planning for Post-Conflict Contingencies: What to Do and What Not to Do," with Kenneth Bacon, President and CEO of Refugees International in Washington, DC. Refugees International is an advocate for humanitarian action, monitoring conditions of refugees and displaced peoples around the world, and also works with the United Nations, the U.S. and other governments and non-government organizations to improve responses to humanitarian crises. Mr. Bacon is one of the most thoughtful analysts looking at the problem of post-conflict reconstruction. He has been urging greater preparedness by the Bush Administration for the humanitarian consequences of war in Iraq, and counts among his accomplishments as President and CEO both the completion of an advocacy training program for women leaders of Afghan NGO?s in Kabul, as well as ground-breaking work on refugee conditions in Pakistan.


The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs is proud to host a Director's Seminar entitled, "Planning for Post-Conflict Contingencies: What to Do and What Not to Do," with Kenneth Bacon, President and CEO of Refugees International in Washington, DC. Refugees International is an advocate for humanitarian action, monitoring conditions of refugees and displaced peoples around the world, and also works with the United Nations, the U.S. and other governments and non-government organizations to improve responses to humanitarian crises. Mr. Bacon is one of the most thoughtful analysts looking at the problem of post-conflict reconstruction. He has been urging greater preparedness by the Bush Administration for the humanitarian consequences of war in Iraq, and counts among his accomplishments as President and CEO both the completion of an advocacy training program for women leaders of Afghan NGO’s in Kabul, as well as ground-breaking work on refugee conditions in Pakistan.