Russia's Perception of Security Threats
Russia's Perception of Security Threats
Russia's Perception of Security Threats
John C. Reppert is Executive Director (Research) for the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. He joined the Center in October 1998 after retiring as a Brigadier General from the U.S. Army, following nearly 33 years of active service. He has specialized in areas of international arms control and military affairs of the states of the former Soviet Union. He concluded his military career as the Director of the On-Site Inspection Agency, the organization responsible for implementation of on-site inspection activities under treaties in which the United states is a signatory. He served three two-year tours of duty in the American Embassy in Moscow, concluding these as Defense Attach? from 1995-1997. Pentagon tours include duty on the Joint Staff and an assignment as the Military assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Plans and Policy and as Principal Director for the Office for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia. He had command and staff tours in Germany, Korea, and Vietnam.