Past Event

UNSC Resolution 1540 and Closing the Gaps in the Nonproliferation Regimes

Open to the Public

Dr. Richard T. Cupitt will discuss the UNSC Resolution 1540 and Closing the Gaps in the Nonproliferation Regimes at his MTA Seminar.


Dr. Richard T. Cupitt will discuss the UNSC Resolution 1540 and Closing the Gaps in the Nonproliferation Regimes at his MTA Seminar.

In 2005 Cupitt also became the first Expert-on-Mission to the 1540 Committee of the United Nations Security Council, currently reviewing the policies and practices of the Member States in preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery to non-State actors.

RSVPs are not required, however attendance is limited to first-come, first served.