"What's Next in the Middle East?" Ambassador Dennis Ross
"What's Next in the Middle East?" Belfer Center Directors' Seminar with Ambassador Dennis Ross, Counselor and Ziegler Distinguished Fellow, The Washington Institute
"What's Next in the Middle East?" Belfer Center Directors' Seminar with Ambassador Dennis Ross, Counselor and Ziegler Distinguished Fellow, The Washington Institute
"What's Next in the Middle East?" Belfer Center Directors' Seminar with Ambassador Dennis Ross, Counselor and Ziegler Distinguished Fellow, The Washington Institute.
Ambassador Ross was U.S. point person on the Middle East peace process in both the George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton administrations. He was instrumental in assisting Israelis and Palestinians to reach the 1995 Interim Agreement; he also successfully brokered the 1997 Hebron Accord, facilitated the 1994 Israel-Jordan peace treaty, and intensively worked to bring Israel and Syria together.