Among the greatest challenges facing humanity at the dawn of the 21st century is learning how better to meet human needs while restoring and nurturing the planet's life support systems -- in short, the challenges of "sustainable development." If humanity is to meet these challenges and move forward in a transition toward sustainability, it will need to craft a vision of the future that encompasses the multiple interactions among the multiple dimensions of development and environment, as well as a strategy for action that addresses those interactions. Does America in fact have compelling national interests in leading international efforts to shape a transition toward sustainability? Answering this question in a way that could help national policy development requires a more structured, rigorous and hierarchical conceptualization of "national interests" than has been evident in this country's debates about environment and development. This paper proposes such a framework and uses it to identify a hierarchy of national interests and related action priorities that should help to guide the United States' engagement in a global transition toward sustainability.
Clark, William. “America's National Interests in Promoting a Transition Toward Sustainability.” Environment and Natural Resources Program, Belfer Center, November 1, 2000
The full text of this publication is available via Environment and Natural Resources Program, Belfer Center.