
Community Mapping Project


In June and July of 2006 the Broadmoor community undertook a mapping and surveying project. The Broadmoor Improvement Association reached out to Bard College in New York and Plan Ready, a technology and mapping firm in California, and all three organizations worked together to design and carry out a comprehensive, building-by-building survey of the neighborhood and create a mapping system to manage the information gathered.

The following is a step-by-step guidebook for community-wide surveying and mapping projects for other neighborhood associations and CDCs that want to conduct similar surveys. Informational mapping and surveying offer a neighborhood in post-Katrina New Orleans an invaluable resource: a readily-available view of the neighborhood that the community can use to follow its recovery, aid its re-growth, and plan for the future.

This guide aims to help neighborhoods collect, manage, and use community-specific information to build mapping systems.