International Security is America's leading peer-reviewed journal of security affairs.
Despite their disagreements, proponents of deep engagement and offshore balancing share an optimistic but unrealistic assessment regarding the durability of U.S. military dominance. China’s antiaccess/area denial strategy and conventional precision-strike capabilities are already undermining the United States’ military dominance in East Asia. The United States will need to adapt its military to meet this challenge.
The author has written a policy brief based on this article, "Time to Worry about China's Military Rise."
Read: Evan Braden Montgomery's op-ed at The National Interest "China's Rising Military Might: A Grand-Strategy Surprise?"
Montgomery, Evan Braden. “Contested Primacy in the Western Pacific: China's Rise and the Future of U.S. Power Projection.” Spring 2014
The full text of this publication is available in the link below.