In this installment of the Future of Diplomacy Project's "Conversations in Diplomacy" podcast series, US Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Tara Sonenshine discusses the importance and evolution of "American Spaces" in US public diplomacy efforts. As Sonenshine explains, "American Spaces" are educational and social centers maintained abroad by the US government to promote understanding of American culture.
Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Tara Sonenshine is the recipient of 10 News Emmy Awards in broadcast journalism and is also the former Executive Vice President of United States Institute of Peace. Sonenshine served various roles at the White House during the Clinton Administration, including Transition Director, Director of Foreign Policy Planning and Deputy Director of Communications for the National Security Council and Special Assistant to President Clinton.
Listen to the interview:
Conversations in Diplomacy is the Future of Diplomacy Project's Podcast Series. The podcasts bring together policymakers, academics, and professionals from around the world of international relations for candid discussions of pressing topics in world affairs.