Reports & Papers

Executive Education program in Jordan hosts senior executives from across the Arab region

Fifty-one participants from Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, Iraq, Morocco, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and Jordan convened at the Dead Sea last week for a five-day Executive Education program entitled “Leading for the Future: The Arab Region in a Changing World.”

The program was organized by the Middle East Initiative and Executive Education at the Harvard Kennedy School, in cooperation with the King Abdullah II Fund for Development (KAFD). It involved sessions in management strategies, globalization and economic performance, political development in the Arab world, competitiveness of Arab economies, negotiation simulations and public-private partnerships. Participants included leaders from civil society as well as senior-level managers from the public and private sectors.

Marwan Midani, CEO of Souria Holding in Syria, shared his enthusiasm for the program, “The topics [were] in line with the changes we are facing. I learned something new every day and was able to benchmark my experience with others…a big added value.” He added in a follow up e-mail, “Great course material, excellent Harvard lecturers and team, wonderful venue, but most of all an exceptional group of fine men and women from my direct region.”

This was the second year of the “Leading the Future” program and it is scheduled to take place in Jordan again in early 2012.

Read more about the program in this recent article from The Jordan Times and this Al-Rai piece (in Arabic).

Recommended citation

Janka, Noelle. “Executive Education program in Jordan hosts senior executives from across the Arab region.” January 24, 2011