Press Release

The Future of Diplomacy Project's Autumn 2019 Semester in Review

What an eventful autumn 2019 semester at the Future of Diplomacy Project! Check out some highlights from our programming.

Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is interviewed by Professors Nicholas Burns, Bob Mnookin, and James Sebenius
Professors Nicholas Burns, Bob Mnookin, and James Sebenius interview former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on negotiation as part of the American Secretaries of State Project
Ambassador Winston Lord and Professor Nicholas Burns
 Ambassador Winston Lord discussing his new book KISSINGER ON KISSINGER.
Admiral Philip Davidson and Professor Nicholas Burns
 Admiral Philip Davidson, Commander of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, speaks about "China’s Challenge to a Free and Open Indo-Pacific."
Former Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni
Former Foreign Minister of Israel, Tzipi Livni, was in residence as a Fisher Family Fellow from September to November 2019. Here she delivers her final lecture in her four-part study group on “The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Insights from the Peace Negotiating Table.” 
Farah Pandith
Senior Fellow Farah Pandith speaks about how to combat the appeal of extremist ideology.
Ambassador Thomas Shannon and Professor Nicholas Burns 
Senior Fellow, Thomas Shannon, and Professor Nicholas Burns discuss the current crisis in the State Department and the critical role that impartial foreign service officers play in defending the U.S.'s national interest.