In this installment of “Inside the Middle East: Q&A,” recorded on April 16, 2015, Nabil Fahmy, Former Foreign Minister of Egypt and Dean and Professor of Practice in International Diplomacy, School of Global Affairs and Public Policy (GAPP), American University Cairo, discusses Egypt’s transitional process, public policy challenges, and foreign policy, including relations with Iran and intervention in Yemen.
Watch the interview with Minister Fahmy, conducted by Kristin Wagner, Associate Editor for the Harvard Journal of Middle Eastern Politics and Policy and Master's Candidate at the Fletcher School for Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, here:
For a recording of Minister Fahmy's full lecture "The Middle East at the Precipice: Challenges and Imperatives for Egypt and the Region" at the Middle East Initiative, click here.
For more about Minister Nabil Fahmy, click here.