
Interview on Fissile Materials Controls

Russia and the United States must join their efforts to toughen control over the spread of fissile material, Andrei Kokoshin a State Duma member, former secretary of the Russian Security Council and member of the Russian Academy of Sciences said.

"Preventing the spread of fissile material which can be used both for manufacturing a nuclear warhead and "a radiological weapon" known as the "dirty bomb," should become one of the most important areas of U.S.-Russian cooperation for strengthening international security," Kokoshin told Interfax-AVN.

Both countries have vast experience in controlling and accountability for such material, as well as, high safety standards in this sphere, which can and must be used by all members of the international community, he said.

"This is one of the central questions in preventing 'nuclear terrorism'," Kokoshin said.

Recommended citation

Kokoshin, Andrei A.. “Interview on Fissile Materials Controls.” March 29, 2010