In The News

KNX InDepth

Who needs the CIA when Facebook and Instagram are reportedly sharing even your most private messages with third parties like Netflix and Microsoft. Time to face Facebook and realize YOUR personal data no longer belongs to you.

At least one government official has seen enough of this and is attempting to put the breaks on Facebook: we talk with Washington D.C.'s attorney general who's suing Facebook for misleading it's users over privacy and we go In Depth with one of the New York Times reporters who broke this story.

President Trump declared on Twitter that ISIS had been totally defeated, and then got to work executing a surprising and rapid withdrawal of American military and state department personnel from Syria. The problem is, U.S. intelligence agencies seem to disagree with the President's victory declaration.

Also, potential new headache for Elon Musk: a practically brand new Tesla caught fire, seemingly out of nowhere, on a Bay Area road. Is there a new fire risk, not just for Tesla's, but for all battery-powered electric cars?

And, its lovable, it wants to be your friend, it wants to be your companion. Oh, and it's totally NOT human.