Reports & Papers
from Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University

Preventive Diplomacy and Preventive Defense in South Asia: The U.S. Role


This report is the result of a conference held at Stanford University on January 15-16, 1999. The purpose of the meeting was twofold: 1) to explore ways in which the United States can, in cooperation with other nations and international organizations, enhance its capacity to contribute to international peace through preventive diplomacy and preventive defense; and 2) to assess the utility of third-party, particularly U.S., preventive action in reducing the multiple dangers posed by the ongoing ethno-territorial conflict in Kashmir and the incipient nuclear rivalry between India and Pakistan.

Full text of the report is available in the attached document below.

Recommended citation

Christopher, Warren and Dr. William J. Perry. “Preventive Diplomacy and Preventive Defense in South Asia: The U.S. Role.” Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University, August 1999

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