Reducing the Use of Highly Enriched Uranium in Civilian Research Reactors is a report of the Committee on the Current Status of and Progress Toward Eliminating Highly Enriched Uranium Use in Fuel for Civilian Research and Test Reactors. The committee was established by the Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board, Division on Earth and Life Studies and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The report is the result of a congressionally mandated study (P.L. 112-239, Section 31781) to assess improvement in reducing highly enriched uranium use in fuel for civilian research and test reactors.
Belfer Center Senior Fellow William Tobey is a member of the Committee that produced the report.
The full report may be downloaded below.
A printed version of the attached pre-publication copy will be available – without text changes – in the near future.
Tobey, William, et al. Reducing the Use of Highly Enriched Uranium in Civilian Research Reactors. Washington, D.C.: Report for The National Academies Press, January 28, 2016.
The full text of this publication is available via National Academies Press.