The Preventive Defense Project (PDP) hosted an informal trilateral dialogue in Honolulu in May with international security experts from the United States, Japan and the Republic of Korea to discuss approaches to the North Korea issue. The trilateral meeting built upon discussions by American government officials and non-government experts during an earlier PDP-sponsored meeting in DC.
PDP co-directors Ashton Carter and William Perry chaired the meeting. John Shalikashvili (former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff ); John Tilelli (former Commander-In-Chief of U.S. and UN Forces in Korea); Michael Armacost (former Undersecretary of State and U.S. Ambassador to Japan and to the Philippines); Stephen Bosworth (former Ambassador to the Republic of Korea); and Kurt Campbell (former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for East Asian and Pacific Affairs) were among the participants.
This meeting is the second in what will hopefully be a continuing dialogue under the new PDP program designed to develop constructive and innovative ways to address the security problems presented by North Korea, including perhaps the possibility of creating an informal Track Two channel with the North Koreans at a future date.