In its December 2000 issue of Russia Watch the Strengthening Democratic Institutions Project (SDI) offers an analysis of the state of democratic freedoms in Russia and presents prospects for deepening democracy there.
In a special contribution, Harvard professor Cindy Skach examines the foundation of Russia''s political system: the constitution. She discusses the relationship between Russia''s constitutional arrangements and problems with guaranteeing democratic freedoms and offers ideas about changes that can lead to improvement in governance and support for the institutions of democracy. Articles by Russian commentators present a wide range of views on the state of democracy in Russia.
SDI hopes to encourage dialogue about Russia''s democratic development. For outsiders in foreign governments, corporations, universities, and NGOs, are there actions that can be taken to buttress Russia''s democratic institutions? Within Russia, what actions can government at all levels, political parties, businesses, and NGOs take to strengthen barriers to authoritarian backsliding? SDI invites readers to submit their own suggestions to Russia Watch editor Ben Dunlap at
Russia Watch no. 4: