Past Event
Special Series

24 Ideas for a Sustainable and Secure Arctic

Open to the Public

The second Arctic Innovators student cohort will present their ideas for the fast-changing Arctic region. Join us and vote for your favorite idea!

Light refreshments will be provided. Please bring your own reusable beverage container to help us reduce waste.

The Arctic Innovators Cohort of 2017 pitching their Ideas at the Arctic Circle Assembly in Reykjavik, Iceland.


The second Arctic Innovators student cohort will present their ideas for the fast-changing Arctic region. Join us and vote for your favorite idea!

The Arctic Innovators Program, taught as a module this year, is the student component of the Arctic Initiative at the Belfer Center, which strives to increase understanding and improve policies to respond to what is happening in the changing Arctic through research, convening, and education.

The goal of the Arctic Innovators Program is to bring more young people into the expanding international discussion of Arctic issues, both to educate them about this fast changing region and its impacts on the rest of the globe and to equip them to contribute to developing and implementing sustainable solutions. The 2018 cohort of Arctic Innovators have developed their ideas over the semester through lecture-discussion course (IGA 671M: Policy and Social Innovations for the Changing Arctic) taught by Dr. John P. Holdren and Halla Logadottir and will participation the Arctic Innovation Lab at the Arctic Circle Assembly in Iceland where they will further develop their ideas with key experts and leaders in the field.

Light refreshments will be provided. Please bring your own reusable beverage container to help us reduce waste.



24 Ideas for a Sustainable and Secure Arctic 


1. Alexander Zaytsev 

Gas Flaring in the Russian Arctic: Stop Burning Money 


2. Brittany Janis 

Empowering Indigenous Innovation in the Face of Climate Migration 


3. Brittney Melloy 

From Threatened to Thriving: Using Technology to Preserve Arctic Indigenous Languages 


4. Cayla Calderwood 

'Current' Events in Arctic Shipping: Monitoring's Potential to Optimize Trade Routes 


5. Colleen Narlock 

Preserving the Polar Pharmacy 


6. Colleen Golja 

Are We Ready for an Arctic Aerosol Experiment? 


7. Daniel Bicknell 

Insuring and Ensuring Sustainable Development in the Arctic Ocean's International Waters 


8. Edouard Aubry 

The "Arc-tech" of Tomorrow - Empowering a New Generation of Arctic Techies 


9. Erin St. Peter 

Frozen Markets: Improving Arctic Vessel Insurance Under Uncertainty 


10. Gillian Christie 

Relocation Done Right: A Community Approach for Local Culture Preservation 


11. Henna Trewn 

Bundled Power: Transitioning Remote Communities to Clean Energy 


12. Jane von Rabenau 

From Dumping Ground to Breeding Ground: Ocean Plastics in the Arctic 


13. Kai Dittmann 

Walk the Line: Greenland's Mining between Sovereign Wealth and Direct Spending 


14. Katie Segal 

Waste as an Arctic Resource: Tackling Waste Volume while Solving Energy Challenges 


15. Linh Nguyen 

An Arctic Cleanup Fund: Tackling Plastic Pollution One Ship at a Time 


16. Luis Villegas 

No Youth, No Future: Arctic Citizen Journalists Network 


17. Martha Lee 

An Arctic Tourist Trap? Seizing Opportunities for Indigenous Economic Growth 


18. Michelle Chang 

Drilling Down into Sustainable Resource Extraction in Alaska 


19. Nick Eidemiller 

Northwest Passage Response Network 


20. Patrick Lynch 

Great Rivers of the Arctic: Filmmaking as a Catalyst for Community Engagement and Conservation 


21. Reine Rambert 
Reimagining the Arctic Landscape for Film and Creative Pursuits 


22. Ross Eisenberg 
Financing Solid Ground: Permafrost Thaw-Resistant Communities 


23. Sohum Pawar 
Clean, Safe, Affordable Power: A Nuclear Option for the Arctic 


24. Zac Smith 

Shrinking the North: Providing Mental Health Services Through Telepresence Technology 


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