In the third event of the ILSP-LSC Workshop Series on Gender, Law, and Society, Lihi Ben Shitrit, Research Fellow at Middle East Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School, will speak on the gendered dimensions of inter-communal disputes over Jerusalem. The discussion will cover three contemporary women's movements and their role in this conflict: messianic Jewish Orthodox women's activism; Orthodox Muslim women's activism; and Women of the Wall's Jewish feminist mobilization. Ben Shitrit will demonstrate how attention to gender and to women's engagement in the conflict over sacred spaces is essential for understanding the intra-communal processes that make inter-communal conflict increasingly intractable.
Lunch will be served. The event will take place at Wasserstein Hall, Room B010, HLS.
Co-sponsored by the Human Rights Program at Harvard Law School, the Religious Literacy Project at HDS, the Julis-Rabinowitz Program on Jewish and Israeli Law, the Muslim Law Students Association, and Middle East Initiative at HKS.