Past Event
Special Series

EUROPE WEEK: Ahead of the 2017 elections: How stable are Europe’s democracies?

Open to the Public

The rise of populist movements across Europe, much like the election of Donald Trump in the United States, has been treated as a sudden and unexpected political development, confounding analysts, scholars and bureaucrats on both sides of the Atlantic. Scholar Yascha Mounk has challenged this view, drawing on empirical evidence that suggests a long-term trend towards ‘democratic deconsolidation’ in Western nations.

In a seminar moderated by Cathryn Cluver, Executive Director of the Future of Diplomacy Project, Dr. Mounk, Lecturer in Political Theory at Harvard, will discuss the implications of this phenomenon and their potential effect on major elections in France, Germany and the Netherlands in 2017.

Breakfast will be served. 

Yascha Mounk