Past Event

Inclusive Security: A Discussion

Open to the Public

Inclusive Security: A Discussion


In response to Tuesday's attacks, we welcome all members of the community to join us in reflecting on the following questions: **How do women lead in preventing and responding to acts of mass violence? **What can we, personally and as policy shapers, do to ensure that their voices are strengthened? **How can alternative voices create alternatives to retribution? **How do these issues look different from international perspectives? Jumpstarting the conversation will be several women with first-hand experience: Shahira Ahmed, Sudanese, WAPPP Research Coordinator Rina Amiri, Afghani, WAPPP Senior Associate for Research and Outreach Ivana Krizanic, Bosnian, MC/MPA student, Women Waging Peace Betsy McGregor, Canadian, Asia-Pacific Women Leaders Network, Women in Science; Global Network, CPL Fellow This session will provide participants with an opportunity to express their concerns, ideas and policy recommendations.