A world university premiere of a 45-minute documentary about enriching the lives of Maasai children through education while respecting their customs, traditions, and way of life. Professor Calestous Juma narrated the documentary.
One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) will do a demonstration of the XO laptop after the screening.
6:30–6:40 Introduction by
Sarah Nam, Global Hunger Initiative, Harvard College and Calestous Juma, Science, Technology, and Globalization Project, Harvard Kennedy School
6:40–7:25 Screening of the documentary
7:25–8:00 Q&A with the producers
Teri Gabrielsen, Founder and Director, Africa School of Kenya, Joe Dietsch, Producer, and Kristin Jordan, Producer
8:00–8:30 OLPC laptop demonstration
Organized by:
Global Hunger Initiative (GHI), Harvard College
The African Caucus, Harvard Kennedy School; One Laptop per Child (OLPC); and the Science, Technology and Globalization Project, Harvard Kennedy School