Past Event
Study Group

MEI Study Group with Dr. Omar Razzaz: Imagining A Realizable Global Governance Structure

Harvard Faculty, Fellows, Staff, and Students

Join the Middle East Initiative (MEI) for this three-part study group led by MEI Senior Fellow Dr. Omar Razzaz, former Prime Minister of Jordan. Participants will critically assess the efficacy of current global governance institutions in addressing the most pressing global threats. They will imagine what an ideal global governance structure would look like, and by what criteria, and articulate what is feasible in the short, medium, and long term towards such a destination(s).

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From family, to tribe, to nation state, to United Nations, humans have learned how to build institutions to address threats and opportunities that they cannot address by themselves. But such processes are complex and take decades if not centuries to mature. With global threats increasing exponentially in the 21st century, the challenge becomes how to overcome isolationist rhetoric and retrenchment within sovereign boundaries, and instead rise to the occasion with global institutions capable of tackling global risks.  

The Study Group, led by MEI Senior Fellow Dr. Omar Razzaz, former Prime Minister of Jordan, will: assess the efficacy of the current global governance structure in addressing global threats; imagine what an ideal global governance structure would look like, and by what criteria; and articulate what is feasible in the short, medium, and long term towards such a destination(s). The overall goal of this Study Group is to contribute to academic, policy, and civic groups dialogue and efforts to bring about collective action to address global challenges.


The Middle East Initiative ran an application cycle for participation in this closed study group. Admission decisions were announced on October 22.

Main Point of Contact: Irati Egorho Diez (