
Nuclear Fuel Cycle Decision-Making: An Analysis of Influences

Open to the Public

What drives countries to develop or not develop different nuclear fuel cycle technologies? In particular, why do some countries pursue the development of uranium enrichment and spent nuclear fuel reprocessing technologies (so-called "ENR technology")? As some countries debate whether to start developing ENR technology and others debate whether to continue developing ENR technology, answering these questions are vital for the future of the global nuclear industry.

Please join us! Coffee and tea provided. Everyone is welcome, but admittance will be on a first come–first served basis.

Model of Nuclear Fuel Rods


What drives countries to develop or not develop different nuclear fuel cycle technologies? In particular, why do some countries pursue the development of uranium enrichment and spent nuclear fuel reprocessing technologies (so-called "ENR technology")? As some countries debate whether to start developing ENR technology and others debate whether to continue developing ENR technology, answering these questions are vital for the future of the global nuclear industry. This seminar will present a framework for analyzing nuclear fuel cycle decision-making, preliminary results of a comparative case study of the nuclear fuel cycle policies of India, Japan, and South Korea, and a plan for future work.

Please join us! Coffee and tea provided. Everyone is welcome, but admittance will be on a first come–first served basis.

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