Past Event

Policing, Taxing, and Spending Without a State: The Origins and Effects of Partial Self-Rule in Palestine

Open to the Public

A seminar with Diana B. Greenwald, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Middle East Initiative and Assistant Professor of Political Science, City College of New York (Fall 2018). Part of the Middle East Initiative Research Fellows Seminar Series.

A Palestinian police officer watches a rally in support of the Palestinian bid for statehood recognition in the United Nations, in the West Bank city of Nablus.


A seminar with Diana B. Greenwald, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Middle East Initiative and Assistant Professor of Political Science, City College of New York (Fall 2018). Part of the Middle East Initiative Research Fellows Seminar Series.

Moderated by Tarek Masoud, Sultan of Oman Professor of International Relations, HKS.


For Event Information