Past Event

Rising Powers and Strategic Choices: How China is Trying to Manage its International Environment

Open to the Public

The rise of a great power has often provoked fear and uncertainty in other countries


The rise of a great power has often provoked fear and uncertainty in other countries, especially other great powers, and has sometimes led to great power war.  From the point of view of the rising power, this talk examines how rising powers try to cope with this difficult situation and limit challenges and complications in its international environment that it may face during its rise.  The speaker argues that the type of strategy adopted by the rising power affects how well it is able to manage its international environment and impacts how other countries respond to its rise.  Although the overall project examines different historical cases of rising powers, this talk will focus on how China is trying to manage its international environment during its ongoing rise. 

Please join us! Coffee and tea provided.

Everyone is welcome, admittance will be on a first come – first served basis.