Past Event
Director Series

"The Role of the Nuclear Threat Initiative in Project Vinca," Laura Holgate

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Belfer Center Directors' Lunch "The Role of the Nuclear Threat Initiative in Project Vinca," with Laura Holgate, NTI Vice-President for Russia/NIS Programs.


Belfer Center Directors' Lunch "The Role of the Nuclear Threat Initiative in Project Vinca," with Laura Holgate, NTI Vice-President for Russia/NIS Programs, will tell this unique story of government-foundation cooperation. Prior to joining NTI, Laura directed the Department of Energy's Office of Fissile Materials Disposition. Earlier she served the Department of Defense as Special Coordinator for Cooperative Threat Reduction

This summer an amazing event in the effort to reduce the danger of uncontrolled nuclear material occurred in Yugoslavia. The United States, after prolonged international and interagency negotiations, removed a significant store of high grade HEU from a poorly secured facility in Yugoslavia in a program labeled "Project Vinca." However, due to agency perceptions that they lacked legal authority to spend money on one crucial part of the deal, the government had to go to a private foundation (NTI) to secure some $5 million in funding necessary to assure success in removing the material and placing it in safe storage.

This coming Monday, December 9, at 12:15 PM in the BCSIA Library, Laura Holgate, NTI Vice-President for Russia/NIS Programs, will tell this unique story of government-foundation cooperation. Prior to joining NTI, Laura directed the Department of Energy's Office of Fissile Materials Disposition. Earlier she served the Department of Defense as Special Coordinator for Cooperative Threat Reduction.