Terrorism Reading and Discussion Group: "Terrorism in Somalia"
The topic of discussion will be terrorism in Somalia
The topic of discussion will be terrorism in Somalia
The topic of discussion will be terrorism in Somalia, and the reading will be the International Crisis Group's (ICG) criticism of recent counterterrorism policies in Somalia: International Crisis Group: "Counter-Terrorism in Somalia: Losing Hearts and Minds." (.pdf) Africa Report Number 95, July 2005.
Although we will focus primarily on the ICG reading, the following readings may be of interest for background and analysis of the most recent events. Again, please do not feel obligated to read any of these; they are merely here for your reference:
Andrew MacGregor. 2007. "Expelling the Infidel: A Historical Look at Somali Resistance to Ethiopia." (.pdf) Terrorism Monitor 5(1): 7–9;
Andrew MacGregor. 2006. "Accuracy of Recent UN Report on Somalia Doubtful." (.pdf) Terrorism Focus 3(45): 3–5;
Andrew MacGregor. 2006. "Somalia Hostilities Threaten Outbreak of Regional War." (.pdf) Terrorism Focus 3(42): 3–5;
Useful timeline from BBC.com outlining recent events of significance, including Ethiopian and U.S. operations in Somalia: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6159735.stm
Finally, many of you are probably aware of Robert Rotberg's expertise in this area. He is the editor of a recent volume, Battling Terrorism in the Horn of Africa (Brookings 2005), which is a much more comprehensive primer on the subject.
Please contact Erica Chenoweth or Erik Dahl with any questions.