Reports & Papers

BCSIA Annual Report, 1980-1981: Related Professional Activities


6. Related Professional Activities


The research staff was involved in a wide spectrum of professional activities related to their work at the Center. Courses taught, lectures given, visits made, consulting done and conferences attended by CSIA personnel are listed below.

Harvey Brooks taught "Science, Technology and Public Policy" (S-482a) with Bernard Cohen, "Case Studies in Research and Development Decision Making" (S-448) and "Technological Assessment" (NS-134). With Dorothy Zinberg, he conducted a seminar, "Science, Technology and Public Policy" (S-482b). In addition, he served on the KSG Appointments Committee, the HIID Faculty Council and participated in the Science, Technology and Public Policy Program (including the Harman Program). He spoke in Batavia, Illinois, on "Energy in Transition" as part of the Fermilab Lecture Series on Science and Human Values, and in Philadelphia to the Pennsylvania Electric Association on "A Comparison of Energy Projections." At the Distinguished Speakers Series on the Frontiers of Applied Contemporary Technology and Sciences (FACTS), SUNY Binghamton, New York, he presented "Challenges of Applied Physics." He also spoke at Brown University on "U.S. Energy Prospects," and at Franklin Pierce Law Center, Concord, N.H., as part of the Francis David Lecture on "Social and Legal Inventions: Challenges to Legal and Political Institutions." Among the conferences he attended were: "Conference on U.S. Competitiveness," Harvard; "Contingency Planning of an Energy Emergency," sponsored by the Hoover Institution and Scientists & Engineers for Secure Energy, Stanford; "Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research Conference on Risk Assessment: Its Role in Health and Research," Boston Park Plaza Hotel; "First Annual Conference in Kibbutz Studies, Workplace Democracy, Ownership, and the Quality of Working Life in Comparative Cultural and Historical Perspective," co-sponsored with the Harman Program, KSG, and the Boston College Program in Social Economy and Social Policy; and, "Conference on Creativity, Invention and Technology," sponsored by the Aspen Institute and the School of Public Administration at Ohio State, held at Wye, Maryland. He also participated in a workshop on "Values in Nature and the Environment" at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Boston. In Kiel, Germany, he attended a conference on "Emerging Technology: Consequences for Economic Growth, Structural Change, and Employment in Advanced Open Economies," sponsored by the Institut fur Weltwirtschaft in cooperation with OECD, Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry. Professor Brooks served on the Board of Directors of the Raytheon Company, the Council on Library Resources, and the Environmental Law Institute. He served on the Board of Trustees for Case Western Reserve University, Tufts University and the German Marshall Fund. He was a member of the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, as well as member of the executive board of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. As Chairman, he served the Review Panel for the APS Study on Coal Utilization and Synthetic Fuels, the special committee to review Marine Policy Program, WHOI, and the special NAS/NRC committee on world energy models. At Stanford University he chaired the Senior Advisory Panel for the Energy Modeling Forum. He was a member of the NSF Oversight Committee for the Five Year Outlook Report, the advisory committee to the Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, the Council on Science and Technology for Development and the Committee on Urban Affairs, National Research Council. He also served on the Governing Board of the International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology in Nairobi, Kenya.

Albert Carnesale taught "Topics in International Security" (S-220) as well as classes in the Executive Program in National and International Security. He lectured in "Technology, War and Peace" (S-222) on "Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Weapons" and "Nuclear Proliferation", and in "Problems of Peace, Justice, and the Processes of Change" (SS-173) on "Nuclear Arms Control." For the Institute of Politics Visiting Committee he spoke on "CSIA and U.S. Nonproliferation Policy;" for the Worcester Economics Club he spoke on "Nuclear Power Issues and Choices;" and in Washington he spoke at the Foreign Service Institute on "The Future of Nuclear Energy." He also lectured on "SALT: Problems and Prospects" at the University of Mexico, International Symposium on Nuclear War. At the Cambridge Forum he was a panelist on "The Future of Arms Control" and also was a panelist at Boston University on "SALT II" and Boston College on "The Future of SALT." He gave a seminar in London at the IISS on "U.S. Defense Policy" as well as two seminars at KSG -- "Reviving the ABM Debate" and "Strategic Arms Control." Professor Carnesale served as Chairman of the Faculty Appointments Committee; Vice-Chairman of the Masters in Public Administration Committee; and was a member of the KSG/CRP Merger Committee, the Affirmative Action Committee, and the Faculty Steering Committee for the Executive Program in National and International Security. He also served on the Committee on Radioactive Waste Management, National Research Council. He attended the International Symposium on Nuclear War at the University of Mexico, the "Conference on Nuclear Energy: The Way Ahead" at the Ditchley Foundation in England, and the Association for Public Policy and Management Conference in Boston. He consulted on issues associated with nuclear energy and nuclear weapons for the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, the Departments of Defense and State, and the Office of Science and Technology Policy in the Executive Office of the President. In addition, he served as co-editor of the CSIA journal, International Security.

Milena Charles taught Slavic courses at the Extension School. She was responsible for extensive correspondence with possible sponsors for a South African project. In addition, she conducted a research seminar at CSIA on "The USSR and Africa," organized the colloquium "Nationalities and Soviet Foreign Policy - Future Prospects," and lectured on "Confronting America - the White Man''s Burden a la Russe." As a consultant, she served the French Defense Ministry''s research group on Africa, the Portuguese government on present policy development regarding Angola, and the Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran on U.S. policy. She also participated in the CSIA Working Group on Political Instability.

E. William Colglazier served as Associate Director of the Program in Sclence, Technology and Humanism of the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies. He was a member of the Panel on Public Affairs of the American Physical Society and of the Keystone Evaluation Team for reviewing public participation programs in low level waste management. He presented testimony to the Subcommittee on Energy and Environment of the House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs concerning nuclear waste management legislation. As Chairman of the National Plan Task Force for the State Planning Council on Radioactive Waste Management, he wrote the Task Force Report, and organized the Council''s Conference on Radioactive Waste Management in Cambridge. He also organized the Aspen Institute''s Conferences on "Creativity, Invention and Technology" held at Wye, Maryland and "Global Implications of Space Activities" held at Aspen. He spoke at a conference on ''''Mass Media Coverage of Scientific and Technological Controversy" and his edited remarks appeared in the summer issue of Science, Technology and Human Values. In addition, he was a reviewer of energy books for the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. Among the conferences he attended were: the Harvard Conference on "Energy and Security;" the Resolve Conference on Nuclear Waste Management, and the State Planning Council''s Conferences on Radioactive Waste Management in Washington, New Orleans and Phoenix. He was selected for the U.S. State Department Scholar-Diplomat Program and he attended a session of the Gas Research Institute Advisory Committee on Research and Development in Washington.

David Deese taught "Energy Policy, Social Response and Public Management" (S-107) with Dorothy Zinberg and Daniel Yergin. He gave numerous lectures and seminars in other courses at the Kennedy School, such as "Topics in International Security," and at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, MIT and other universities. In addition, he served as Assistant to the Director of CSIA, and as Director of the Energy and Security Research Project, which included four research centers at Harvard and researchers from several other universities. He lectured on "Oil and Western Security in the 1980''s" for the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations; on "The Intersection between the Fields of International Security and International Political Economy" for the Department of Political Science at Boston College; and he presented testimony before the Senate Subcommittee on Energy, Nuclear Proliferation and Government Process on "The International Energy Agency and Global Energy Security Issues." He Chaired the CSIA Roundtable Workshop on Consumer Nations'' Responses to Energy and Security Problems, and he co-chaired Harvard''s "Energy and Security Conference" at Dumbarton Oaks for senior executive branch officials, key congressional leaders, business executives and senior policy analysts. He was the keynote speaker at the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations/Johnson Foundation Conference on Natural Resources and International Security, and at the Conference on Energy, International Economics and International Security sponsored by the Canadian Institute of International Affairs. He presented a paper at the Annual Fletcher School Conference, and at a conference on U.S. Energy and Security Policy Options sponsored by the School of Organization and Management, Yale University. In addition, he was commissioned to be a regular columnist for United Press International on international security and foreign policy issues; was selected for the U.S. Department of State Scholar-Diplomat Program in Washington; and was requested to do various radio and television programs on energy and international security. He did field research in the Dominican Republic for the U.S. Agency for International Development on "Energy Dilemmas in the Third World."

Paul Doty taught "Research Seminars on International Affairs and Security" (R-013), chaired the biweekly Harvard Arms Control Seminars, and directed the CSIA Working Group on Theatre Nuclear Weapons in Europe. He chaired the Aspen Consortium on Arms Control and was a member of the Consortium''s Study Group on Rethinking U.S. Strategic Posture. He completed a four-year term on the General Advisory Committee on Arms Control for the U.S. Government and served on the National Academy of Sciences Committee on International Security and Arms Control. He presented prepared texts for publication at the conference on "Strategic Doctrine for the 1980s" sponsored by the Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis in Washington, D.C., at the conference on "Science and Disarmament" sponsored by the French Institute for International Relations in Paris, and for the "Planning Session of the Committee on International Security and Arms Control" in Moscow. He chaired the Arms Control Workshop in Aspen, Colorado, the Conference on "Creativity, Innovation and Technology," sponsored by the Aspen Institute at Wye, Maryland, and the workshop on "European Security Outside the NATO Area" at the Aspen Institute Berlin. And he was an invited speaker at the Aspen Institute''s International Seminar in Aspen, at two workshops on "Theatre Nuclear Weapons in Europe'''' sponsored by the Pugwash Committee in Geneva, to newly elected members of Congress at the Kennedy School''s Institute of Politics, at the Evaluation of Soviet-American contacts in the foreign policy-arms control area, sponsored by the International Communications Agency in Washington, and at a workshop on "The Civilian-Military Relationship" in Aspen. Moreover, he participated in a Biomedical Science Workshop at Aspen; visited Los Alamos Laboratory, the Sandia Corporation and Kirtland Air Force Base for discussions on strategic weapons; and attended a conference honoring Andrei Sakharov, sponsored by Rockefeller University in New York City.

Joshua Epstein presented his paper "The Soviet Threat to Iran and the Deterrent Adequacy of U.S. Rapid Deployment Forces" to the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy Security Seminar Series, the Department of Political Science and Russian Research Center at the University of Michigan, and to the CFIA, Harvard. He also served as a consultant for the Rand Corporation, Washington Office.

Lars Eriksson presented "Aspects of a Nordic Nuclear Weapon-free Zone" at a CSIA luncheon seminar. He participated in the 2nd New England Workshop on German Affairs, "Continuity and Change in German Development," and he attended seminars and lectures at Harvard, the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy and MIT. In addition, he wrote reports for the Defense Department and Foreign Ministry in Stockholm.

Erwin Hackel conducted a CSIA research seminar on "The Politics of Nuclear Energy in West Germany." In addition, he gave a series of lectures on European-American relations at the University of Iowa.

Fen Hampson taught a Sophomore Tutorial in American Government (G-97) and Introduction to Comparative Politics (G-20~. In addition, he was a resident tutor at Lowell House. He coordinated and organized speakers for the CSIA/CFIA/EEPC Energy and Security Seminar and gave presentations on Canadian and Mexican energy policies to the KSG energy policy course taught by David Deese and Dorothy Zinberg. He also lectured on "The Oil Policies of the Non-Persian Gulf Producers" to Professor William Hogan''s graduate Energy Economics Seminar. "Canadian Energy Security and North American Cooperation: A Short Term View" was presented at the Harvard conference he attended on "Canada and Mexico: The Comparative and Joint Politics of Energy." He attended a conference in Ottawa on "State-owned Enterprise in Canada." In addition, he continued to work on his doctoral dissertation.

Christopher Jones lectured on "The Military-Political Mechanisms of the Warsaw Pact" at the National War College in Washington. He gave two lecture/seminars at CSIA and one lecture/seminar at the Russian Research Center. In addition, he attended the U.S. Air Force Conference on "The Soviet Military: What Lies Ahead?" where he presented a paper entitled "The Military-Educational System of the Warsaw Pact."

Barbara Kates-Garnick was the Assistant Program Manager for "The Energy and Security Project," which entailed report writing, activity coordination and liaison work among four Harvard centers. She participated in the "Energy and Security Conference" at Dumbarton Oaks, the "Energy and Security Roundtable" at Harvard, and attended the "International Studies Association Conference" in Philadelphia.

Otto Keck lectured at Harvard on "The Politics of the West German Fast Breeder Reactor" and "The Politics of Nuclear Power in West Germany." At MIT he spoke on "The Management of Large-scale Technology: Lessons from the Blest German Fast Breeder Reactor Program" and "The West German Nuclear Program -- International Perspective." He also lectured at Yale on "Government Support to Civilian Technology: A Theoretical Framework for Comparative Research'''' and at Princeton on "Political versus Economic Factors in Government Support for Civilian Technology." In addition, he attended the Science and Technology Studies Joint Meetings of the History of Science Society, the Philosophy of Science Association, the Society for the History of Technology, and the Society for the Social Studies of Science.

Derek Leebaert continued to serve as managing editor for International Security and as a Dudley House Associate. In addition, he served as Associate Editor for the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. He lectured at the Naval War College on "TNF and Future US-European Relations," at the Royal Military Academy on "The Future of SALT" and at the Institute of the USA and Canada in Moscow on "East-West Relations" and "Strategic Arms Competition." He participated in the U.S. State Department Scholar Diplomat Program, and attended the Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis'' Conference on "US-French Relations." Among other conferences he attended were: "Conference on the International Aspects of the Crisis in Central America" and "Conference on the Militarization of Soviet Society." He also served as a member of the European Study Group at the Council on Foreign Relations and of the Persian Gulf Security core seminar at the Woodrow Wilson Center. He served as development consultant for "Save the Children Federation," and as defense advisor for Stephen Winchell & Associates.

Michael Mandelbaum taught "National Security in Comparative Perspective" (G-172), "International Conflicts in the Modern World" (HS A-12), and "Current Issues in International Politics" (G-9Ot). He served as Chairman of the Government Department''s Senior Examiners Committee. In addition, he lectured at the University of Washington, Stanford University, and participated in a working group on "Domestic Politics and Security Policy" at CSIA. He made various appearances on radio and television, both local and national. He served on the editorial board of the Political Science Quarterly, was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and was a Fellow at the Lehrman Institute. He attended the "Conference on International Regimes" in Palm Springs, California and the "M-X Missile Awareness Conference" in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Stephen Meyer taught "Uses of Military Forces in the Management of Foreign Policy," "Issues in Soviet Defense Planning," and "Quantitative Research Methods" at MIT. He served as a consultant to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and as Principle Investigator for the Soviet Weapons Acquisition Project supported by the Ford Foundation. In addition to participating in the "Theater Nuclear Force Working Group,'''' he presented two CSIA research seminars: "Patterns in Soviet Military R&D" and "Soviet Military Capabilities." At the Conference on Soviet Decisionmaking for National Security he presented "Models of Soviet Defense Decisionmaking." To a visiting delegation from the People''s Republic of China at MIT, he spoke on "The U.S.-Soviet Military Balance: Nuclear and Conventional Forces." He was awarded a grant from the Ford Foundation''s International Research Competition on International Security and Arms Control to study Soviet Military Research and Development.

Linda Miller continued full time teaching at Wellesley College as Professor of Political Science, offering five courses on world politics, American foreign policy, political leadership, and negotiation and bargaining. She lectured on "The World is Watching: Foreign Policy and the Election" to Thayer Academy and the Cape Cod League of Women Voters; on "American Foreign Policy in the 1980s" to the American Association of University Women; and on "U.S. Policy in the Middle East" at a Tufts University Symposium. She chaired a session on "New Political Configurations in the Middle East" at the UJA Critical Issues Conference, and attended a conference on "Consensus and Dissensus" sponsored by the National Academy of Arts and Sciences. At the Conference on Energy and Social Adaptation, Harvard, she presented a paper on "Energy Security as National Security: Managing the Contradictions," and at a Harvard CES Symposium she presented "American Reactions to de Gaulle''s Foreign Policy." She served as a discussant on the panel of a session "Europe and the Middle East'''' at the Northeastern Political Science Association, New Haven, and represented Wellesley College as its delegate to the Fourth Annual Texaco Faculty Forum on "Two Energy Futures: National Voice for the 1980s," presenting a paper on "The International Realities of Energy." She continued to serve on the editorial board of Polity, and participated in a 17-day study-mission to Egypt, Israel and Jordan under the auspices of American Professors for Peace in the Middle East.

Steven Miller was Head Teaching Fellow for "Technology, War and Peace" (SS-159). He attended the following conferences: "International Workshop on the Future of the Arms Race," Programme for Strategic and International Security Studies, Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales, in Geneva; "The Third World in the 1980s: Sources of Change and Instability," a symposium sponsored by the Director of Central Intelligence, in Washington; the Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association in Philadelphia; and "The United States and the Soviet Union: Presidential Decisions and Dilemmas," sponsored by the JFK Library, Boston.

Michael Nacht taught "Technology, War and Peace" (SS-159) and, with Roger Porter and James Sibenious, "Public Management" (P-160). He lectured in the Executive Program for National and International Security and offered two courses through the Harvard Commission on Extension Courses: "Introduction to International Relations" and "Seminar on Topics in American Foreign Policy." He served as Vice Chairman of the Kennedy School''s Second Year Public Policy Committee and was a member of the KSG/CRP Merger Committee, the KSG Library Committee and the Faculty Steering Committee for the Executive Program in National and International Security. He led the CSIA Working Group on Political Instability, and served as co-editor of International Security. Invited papers were delivered by Professor Nacht at the Annual Conference of the IISS on "Third World Conflict and International Security" in Stresa, Italy and at the conference on "Communist Powers in World Politics" sponsored by the Korean Institute of International Studies in Seoul, Korea. He lectured on "American Strategic Interests" before the Young President''s Organization in Boston; on "Political Instability and Regional Security" at the University of Pittsburgh; on "The Concept of Regional Security" at Columbia University; on "American Defense Policy" at the Data Resources, Inc. Conference on "The Quarterly Assessment of the U.S. Economy" in New York City; on "American Foreign Policy" at a conference sponsored by the Television Conference Foundation on "The National Interest" in Keystone, Colorado; and on "Nuclear Sabotage and Terrorism" at a conference on "Preparing for Nuclear Emergencies" sponsored by the Harvard School of Public Health. As part of the American Specialists Program of the U.S. International Communications Agency, he lectured on American Foreign and Defense Policy in West Germany and Israel. In addition, he attended the Aspen Consortium''s Conference on U.S. Strategic Force Posture in Aspen, Colorado, and a conference in Tokyo on "U.S.-Japanese Security Issues" sponsored by the Japan Center for International Exchange and the Council on Foreign Relations. He served as well as a member of the Board of Visitors of the University of Pittsburgh Center for Arms Control and International Security Studies and as a consultant to the Ford Foundation.

Barry Posen devoted most of his time to writing his doctoral dissertation. He presented his thesis at a CSIA luncheon seminar. With Stephen Van Evera he lectured on "Overarming and Underwhelming" at CFIA, and at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. They also gave a press briefing at the Arms Control Association in Washington. With Yoav Ben-Horin he presented "Israeli Strategic Doctrine" at CFIA. Mr. Posen was interviewed on the National Public Radio Program "All Things Considered" and he appeared on the David Susskind television show. The conferences he attended were: The Los Alamos Laboratory Institute for International Studies "Conference on American Grand Strategy" in New Mexico and The National Taxpayers Union''s "Conference on Efficiency in Government" in Washington. He participated as a discussant in a Lehrman Institute Seminar.

T.T. Poulose completed his project "Nuclear Proliferation and the Third World." He also wrote two papers: "Moving Toward a Universal Non-Proliferation Regime" and "Indian Ocean Power Rivalry and the Second Cold War."

Gary Samore was a Teaching Fellow for "Technology, War and Peace" (SS-159) and conducted a Junior Tutorial, "The Politics of the Persian Gulf." In addition, he served as Senior Thesis advisor for two Harvard seniors. As a research assistant for Professor Nadav Safran, he has been a consultant for the Rand Corporation''s Third Area Project.

Jane Sharp lectured on "NATO''s Theater Nuclear Force Modernization" in "Topics in International Security" (S-220), and advised several Harvard undergraduates and Kennedy School graduate students on European security issues. She presented Prospects for a Nuclear Freeze" at a seminar on "Security Through Disarmament?" and conducted a seminar at the Cornell Peace Studies Program on "Controlling Theater Nuclear Forces in Europe." She lectured internationally on "Prospects for Controlling Theater Nuclear Forces: A European Security Commission?" at the 30th Pugwash Conference; "Confidence Building Measures and SALT" at the Pugwash Symposium on Confidence Building Measures; "Restructuring the Arms Control Process" at the Conference on Nuclear War in Europe; and on "Arms Control and Electoral Politics to the Freemasons. In addition, she presented a report to CSIA on "Hamburg, Groningen and Geneva." As a discussant she participated in "Structure and Functions of a European Security Commission" with members of the Center for the Study of International Security and Arms Control, Lancaster University, England. She also attended the Pugwash Conference in Breukelen, the Stanley Foundation''s "Strategy for Peace Conference" in Virginia, and the Committee for National Security''s Conference on "The Challenge of National Security in the 1980s" in Washington. She consulted to the Albert Einstein Peace Prize Foundation and served on the Board of Directors of the Council for a Livable World and the Council for a Livable World Educational Fund.

Raju Thomas proposed, organized and coordinated the conference panel on "Great Power Relations and Asian Security" for the Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference in Toronto. He provided administrative service for the Department of Political Science, Marquette University. At CSIA he reported on a two-month research visit to India, gave a luncheon seminar on "Indian Defense Policy," and Conducted a review seminar on "Energy Politics and Indian Security" for the working group on Energy and Security. He also spoke and led discussion in two classes: Robert Bathurst''s "The Soviet Threat: Five Interpretations," and Albert Carnesale''s "Topics in International Security." At the Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association he presented a paper entitled "The Security Policy of India: Sources, Formulation, Implementation." Among other papers he presented at conferences were: "Defense and Economic Development in India" at the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society Conference; "The Moscow-Beijing-Washington Triangle: Security Implications for India" at the Association for Asian Studies Conference; "The Afghanistan Crisis and South Asian Security" at the International Studies Association Conference; and "South Asian Security" at a special conference organized by the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London. Ele also attended the "Conference on the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace" at the India International Center in New Delhi.

Dorothy Zinberg taught "Energy Policy, Social Response and Public Management" (S-107), Science, Technology and Public Policy" (S-482), and a seminar on "The Social Dimensions of the Energy Transition." She lectured for the Brown University Energy Lecture Series on "Who Wants Nuclear Energy? -- Perspectives from Government, Industry and a Divided Public," and participated at the MITRE Corporation''s "Round Table Discussion on the Public Perceptions of Nuclear Energy." With grants received from the Rockefeller Family and the MITRE Corporation, she organized a two-day workshop for 30 participants on "Energy and Social Adaptation." At a meeting of the League of Women Voters in Seattle, she gave the Keynote Address on "Nuclear Energy -- A Lightning Rod for Societal Concerns?" and also spoke on "Nuclear Energy and the Public" as part of the Mt. Auburn Hospital Lecture Series. She attended the "Energy, Ethics and Governance Workshop" and the "International Seminar" at the Aspen Institute, Colorado; the "Global Seminar on the Role of the Scientific and Engineering Societies in Development" in Delhi, India; and the yearlong Harvard/MIT Faculty Research Seminar on "Assessment of Science Development and Testing Indicators of Quality." In addition, she served on the National Academy of Sciences'' Committee on International Human Resources; the National Educational Policies in Science and Engineering Review Committee for the NAS/National Research Council; and the National Advisory Committee on Nuclear Energy Issues for the League of Women Voters. As Chairperson she served the Advisory Committee to the International Division of the National Science Foundation. She continued to serve on the National Academy of Sciences Committee on International Relations; the Hampshire College National Advisory Council; and the Council of International Exchange of Scholars for the selection of Senior Fulbright Scholarships. Dr. Zinberg was also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the International Council for Science Policy Studies.

Table of Contents:

OverviewOrganization and Personnel

Research and PublicationsSeminars Other Program Activities Related Professional Activities Former Members of the Research Staff

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