Reports & Papers

BCSIA Annual Report, 1980-1981: Seminars


4. Seminars


During the past year the Center continued to sponsor four sorts of seminars: the Harvard Arms Control Seminar, the CSIA Visitors Seminar, the CSIA Research Seminar, and the Energy and Security Seminar, offered in conjunction with the Kennedy School Energy and Environmental Policy Center and the Harvard Center for International Affairs.

Harvard Arms Control Seminar

Arms Control Seminars were conducted before audiences ranging in size from 50 to 200. Following each seminar, a smaller group of changing composition met for dinner and discussion with the invited speaker.

Date Speaker and Subject

October 1 John Deutch, Professor at MIT, Former Undersecretary of Energy;

Matthew Meselson, Professor of Biology, Harvard: "How to Deter Chemical Warfare"
October 15 Berndt van Staden, Foreign Policy and National: Security Advisor to the

Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany; Former Ambassador to the United States: "Has Detente Failed - A European View"
November 5 Stanley EIoffmann, Professor of Government, Harvard; William Kaufmann,Professor of Political Science, MIT; Richard Pipes, Professor of History, Harvard;
Robert Pfaltzgraff, Director IFPA and Professor, Fletcher School - Tufts; Richard
Burt, New York Times: "Military Policies & Arms Control in the Early 80s"
November 19 Larry Smith, from the office of Senator Hart: "Importance of Election on Military Issues and SALT"
February 4 Walther Stuetzle, Director, Planning Office, Ministry of Defense,FRG: "Current NATO Issues: The German Perspective"
February 18 Gerard C, Smith, Ambassador at Large, Department of State: "SALTExperiences, Nonproliferation and the Future"
March 4 Antonia Chayes, former Under Secretary of Air Force: "Non-Military Aspects of Strategic Weapons Planning"
April 8 John Culver, The Honorable, Fellow, Institute of Politics: "SALT Politics"April 22
Paul X. Kelley, Lt. General, USMC: "The Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force"

April 29 William Perry, Former Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering:
"SALT and Strategic Force Modernization"

Visitors Seminar

Visitors Seminars were held during the year. Normally participation was limited to 20-3O individuals, thus providing a forum suitable for in-depth discussions with the visiting experts.

September 22 Graham Allison, Dean, Kennedy School of Government: "September in

Moscow or the KSG meets the KGB"
September 24 Anthony Oettinger, Chairman, Program on Information Resources Policy,Harvard: "Strategic Roles of Information Resources"
October 8 William Griffith, Professor of Political Science, MIT: ''''InternationalSignificance of Establishment of Free Trade Union in Poland"
October 20 Nadav Safran, Professor, KSG: "Reflections on War in the Persian Gulf"

October 22 James Timbie, Deputy Assistant Director, International Security Program,U.S. Arms Control & Disarmament Agency: "Prospects for Nuclear Arms
Control in Europe"
October 24 Paul Bracken, Hudson Institute: "Current Problems in Command andControl"
November 19 Johan Lundin, Director for Research, National Defense Research Institute,Stockholm: "Security: A Swedish Perspective"
December 1 Joseph Joffe, Political Editor, Die Zeit, Hamburg: "Pershing vs SS-20"

February 25 Howard H. Hiatt, Dean of the Faculty of the Harvard School of Public

Health, Professor of Medicine: "Who Will Prevent the Final Epidemic - An Appeal to Political Scientists and Politicians"

March 11 Nicholas Eberstadt, Research Fellow, Center for Population Studies, Harvard: "The Implications of Health Problems in the USSR for International Security''''

April 1 Victoria Chan-Palay, Professor of Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School: "White House Fellow in the Pentagon - A Project on Military Technology Exchange with China"

Research Seminar

The Research Seminar provided the opportunity for members of the Center''s research staff to
report on their work in progress and to obtain their colleagues'' reactions. To facilitate the free
flow of ideas, these seminars were informal and off-the-record, and attendance was limited to
members of the staff, members of the Advisory Committee, and Faculty of the Kennedy School
of Government, and other individuals invited by the speaker.

Date Speaker and Subject

September 29 Christopher Jones, Ford Foundation Fellow: "Soviet Military Doctrine & Soviet Military Alliance"

November 3 Farooq Hussain, Research Fellow, CSIA: "Measuring Military Balances"

November 17 Milena Charles, Adjunct Research Fellow, CSIA:"Soviet Policy Towards Africa"

December 3 Joshua Epstein, Research Fellow, CSIA: !'' Issues in Force Planning and Threat Assessment for the Persian Gulf"

December 10 Christopher Jones, Russian Research Center: "Soviet Military Intervention in Europe"

February 18 Raju Thomas, Research Fellow, CSIA: "Indian Defense Policy - Domestic Strategic Linkages"

March 2 Steven E. Miller, Research Assistant, CSIA: "Security Considerations in the Northern Flank"

March 9 Gary Samore, Research Fellow, CSIA: "Saudi Arabia - Defense and Security Dilemmas"

March 18 Fen Hampson, Research Fellow, CSIA: "Energy Security Outside the Persian Gulf Producers"

April 8 Barry Posen, Research Fellow, CSIA: "The Origins of Grand Strategy - Britain, France and German Between World Wars"

April 13 Lars Ericksson, Research Fellow, CSIA: "Aspects of a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone in Northern Europe"

April 15 T. T. Poulose, Research Fellow, CSIA: "Moving Toward a Universal Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime"

April 22 Barbara Kates-Garnick, Research Fellow, CSIA: "Oil Stockpiling: A Comparative Perspective Among Consuming Countries"

May 4 Jane Sharp, Graduate Student Associate, CSIA: "Travelogue - A European Journey"

Energy and Security Seminar

CSIA sponsored the Energy and Security Seminars in conjunction with the Kennedy School''s
Energy and Environmental Policy Center (EEPC) and the Harvard Center for International
Affairs (CFIA). The topics covered the political-economic and political-military aspects of
international energy issues. The seminars were open to scholars in the field and included
participants from local institutions such as Tufts and MIT, and from Georgetown University
(Center for Strategic and International Studies), The Brookings Institution and Stanford
University. The Fall semester seminars culminated in a conference at Dumbarton Oaks, attended
by representatives of the business, academic and government community where the Honorable
Mrs. Bill Bradley, Charles Percy, Clarence Brown and Deputy Secretary of Energy John Sawhill responded to the Harvard Energy and Security Project''s publication, Energy and Security. In July

1981 at the KSG, the Project conducted a review of papers in a roundtable conference on the oil
consuming countries, examining political/military contingencies in the Persian Gulf and
political/economic issues in the international oil market.

September 30 Joseph Nye, Professor of Government, Harvard University, and David A. Deese, Assistant to the Director, CSIA, Research Fellow, CSIA:"Introduction"

October 14 Edward Krapels, Independent Energy Consultant: "Stockpiling"

October 18 Dr. Jeffrey Schevitz, Kernforschungszentrum Karlsrube: "German Energy Policy"

November 4 Thomas Stauffer, Research Fellow, Harvard Center for Middle Eastern Studies and Lecturer in Economics: "Sweden''s and Norway''s Energy Situation: Reflections on a Visit"

December 2 Dr. J.B. Kelley, The Wilson Center: "The Politics and the Security of Persian Gulf Oil"

December 11 Harvard Working Group, Dumbarton Oaks: "Energy and Security: Policy Implications"

February 2 Arnold Wolgast, Manager, Planning and Analysis Department, Exxon Corporation, and Bryce Sachs, former Executive Vice President, Exxon Corporation: "Petroleum Stockpile and Inventory Management"
February 23 James L. Plummer, Director, Energy Analysis Department, Electric PowerResearch Institute: "The Policy Implications of Oil Premia"
March 2 Benjamin Cooper, Professional Staff, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources:
"Energy Security Issues Before the 97th Congress"

March 9 Jim Jensen, President, Jensen Associates: "Natural Gas Prospects: Bubble, Boom or Shortage"

March 16 Jeremy Russell, Shell International: "Soviet Natural Gas"

March 16 Joachim Konig, Director, Emergency Allocation Scheme, TEA:"The Role of the International Energy Agency During Oil Supply Disruptions"

April 6 Shinichi Ichimura, Professor, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University: "Japanese Energy Security"

April 13 William Quandt, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution: "Arms Transfers and U.S. Relations with the Middle East"

April 20 Ambassador John West, former U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia: "Saudi Arabia and U.S. Security"

May 11 Edward Bassett, formerly with Aviation Week and Space Technology: "Aspects of Evolving French Military Policy with Respect to Europe and the Middle East"

May 18 Deborah Helfant, Harvard Senior: "Can the U.S. Become a Reliable Energy Exporter?: The Case of Steam Coal Exports to Japan"

May 19 James Roach, Senior Deputy Director, Policy Planning Staff, U.S. Department of State: "U.S. Force Projections in the Persian Gulf"

May 26 Frank Potter, Staff Director of the House Energy and Commerce Committee: "Congressional Perspectives on U.S. Energy Security"

July 23-24 Energy and Security Roundtable "The Perspective of the Oil Consuming Countries"
Papers presented on the following topics:
Political-military issues and responses
Political-economic issues and responses
Physical security for oil facilities
Theories of decision-making in oil exporting nations: implications for U.S. policy

Special Seminars and Workshops

Energy and Security

March 10 Daniel Yankelovich, President, Yankelovich, Skelly and White, Inc., and of Public Agenda Foundation: "Assertive America"

April 14 Ted O''Brien, Broadcast Journalist, WNAC TV: "Credibility after Cronkite: Energy Reporting and Public Understanding"

May 21-23 Workshop, Energy and Social Adaptation

"Does Liberalism Have a Future?"

October 6 Daniel Yankelovich, President, Yankelovich, Skelly & White, Inc.


Professor J. Kenneth Galbraith, Paul M. Warburg Professor of Economics Emeritus
Professor Richard E. Neustadt, Lucius N. Littauer Professor of Public Administration in the JFK School of Government
Professor Thomas C. Schelling, Lucius N. Littauer Professor of Political Economy
Dr. Dorothy S. Zinberg, Lecturer on Public Policy, KSG, & Director of Special Projects, CSIA Visitors

Individuals who visited CSIA during 1980-8l and engaged in informal discussions with CSIA Research Staff included:

Professor McGeorge Bundy, Department of History, New York University

Mr. Horst Ehmke, Member of Parliament, Federal Republic of Germany

Mr. Robert R. Everett, President, The MITRE Corporation

Brigadier Kenneth Hunt, British-Atlantic Committee

Dr. Thierry Montbrial, Director, Institute Francais des Relations Internationales, Paris

Dr. Paul Podlesny, Institute for U.S. and Canadian Studies, Moscow

Dr. Marshall Robinson, President, Russell Sage Foundation

Consul General Friedrich von Dungern, Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany, Boston

Dr. James Watson, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, Long Island

Ambassador Thomas Watson, former U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union

Mrs. Shirley Williams, Former Minister of Science and Higher Education, United Kingdom

Ambassador Herbert York, Head of the U.S. Delegation to the Comprehensive Test Ban Negotiations

Table of Contents:

OverviewOrganization and Personnel

Research and PublicationsSeminars Other Program Activities Related Professional Activities Former Members of the Research Staff

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