Reports & Papers

BCSIA Annual Report, 1999-2000: Overview

2. Overview

Overview from the Executive Director

The past academic year was one of continuing pride for me in serving as the Executive Director and being involved in the dynamic and exceptionally productive research agenda of BCSIA. Although I was familiar with our charter for "providing leadership in advancing policy-relevant knowledge" in all our areas of research, the past year provided vivid examples, which gave new meaning to this mission.

The "Russia Election Watch" generated by the Strengthening Democratic Institutions Program and their related briefings for the press and public both here and in Washington were critical in informing our leaders and our public about the issues and personalities in the critical Russian presidential and legislative elections.

The prestigious individual awards, such as those granted to John Holdren and Bill Clark, reflect the significant contributions of our Center on issues of science and the environment. The continued contributions of Lew Branscomb and Bob Frosch similarly better inform our policy choices as we wrestle with the intersection of science and public policy. Similarly, as you will note in the long and distinguished list of authors and articles recorded in the annual report, there is no area within our scope of research where significant accomplishments were not recorded and published within the past year. Less visible here, but equally important in offering better informed policy choices, the members of BCSIA contributed well over 100 important TV interviews, radio interviews, and op-eds in the nation''s leading newspapers on issues of burning interest to the public.

The number of fellows and associates with which we continue to work within BCSIA continues to grow in number and quality. This year we were honored to have with us some 70 scholars in these categories touching on virtually every key issue on our research agenda. It is a special point of pride that we include some of the best scholars from Europe, the Middle East, and Asia among those who will leave here to carry on our charter mission in other places in the future. New programs in Africa and an expanding interest in Latin America offer hope for growth there in the years ahead.

I urge you to read carefully through the reports of each of our five program areas to gain a full appreciation of the impressive accomplishments of the 150 dedicated men and women at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs with whom I am proud to be associated. We look forward to your continued interest and involvement and would be pleased to learn from you how we might continue to improve in the future.

- John Reppert
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Table of Contents:

Director''s ForewordOverview

Environment and Natural Resources ProgramInternational Security Program Science, Technology, and Public Policy Program Strengthening Democratic Institutions Project WPF Program on Intrastate Conflict, Conflict Prevention, and Conflict Resolution BCSIA Events BCSIA Publications Biographies

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